Thursday, 11 August 2011

Possible Cheating Boyfriend

Question: I think my partner is cheating on me how can I find out for sure?

Most people will tell you if you don’t trust your partner the relationship is already over….I’m not most people.

Yes, trust is important but it’s a fact of life most people aren’t trustworthy and I think it’s smart practise to make sure you’re not being made a fool of. In my personal experience if you suspect something is going on you’re normally right.

My advice would be to get a hold of their phone. Most people’s phones contain their whole life, and if anyone would know if your partner is cheating it’s that little piece of technology.

How you go about getting their phone is up to you. I wouldn’t recommend going behind their back to get it because if you’re wrong you’ll look like an idiot…. oh and it’s not ethical or some bullshit like that.

How I would go about doing it is, pick their phone up and play with it and with a little tact go to the places on the phone I want to check out (text messages, calls, emails, contracts). I also might try to cuddle up to my boyfriend when he receives a message on his phone and try to read it that way, if he has something to hide you’ll know straight away because he’ll turn his phone so you can’t see it.

It’s not a fool proof way of finding out but it’s a pretty damn good indicator and it saves on having that horrible “are other girls licking your balls?” conversation.

Play Safe,

The Honest Bitch

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