Thursday, 11 August 2011

In Love With The Wrong Man

This week’s question is: I’m in love with someone that’s no good for me, Help!

I’ve been there and some day’s I’m still there but hopefully my experience and lessons learned will help you out, and you won’t end up with a Mr. X of your own.

People, correction, stupid people will tell you to follow your heart. That’s bullshit, why do we have brains if we’re always meant to follow our hearts? That just makes no sense at all.

My advice is to think logically about the situation. You’ve already said he’s no good for you and it’s a proven fact men don’t change. So what you have now is what you’re going to end up with. Always remember that.

This is one of the few times in life it’s good to hold on to all the negative energy. Think about all the times he’s hurt you, made you feel small and not important, think about all the tears and sleepless nights he’s caused. Get mad about the way he treated you. Then ask yourself, do you really want someone that could do that to you in your life?

You have to be strong enough in yourself to make the right decision. You may always love this person. I know Mr. X will always have a place in my heart but I love myself too much to go there. Think of your heart as peer pressure, you may want to but “just say no”.

Saying all that, don’t feel bad if you find yourself occasionally flirting with the guy. You’re not a nun; it’s ok to have fun, as long has you keep your wits about you. Hell just because a relationship is off the cards doesn’t mean a few orgasms have to be. Just be smart about what you do and know it can’t be anything more than just physical.

At the end of the day you have to do what’s right for you even if your heart disagrees because fairly tales aren’t real, he’ll never change and you won’t live happily ever after. All you’ll end up with is a nasty toad and bunch of warts.

Hang in there,

The Honest Bitch

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